Create Digital In-Context Experiments (DICE) to mimic social media feeds with experimental control and without a single line of code. Simply configure your stimuli, distribute them (e.g., via Prolific) and append a questionnaire.

Example image

In just a few clicks, you can create and customize stimuli for your social media experiment. No coding required. The following form walks you through the process of creating accessing your own DICE session.

1. Meta Information

Please provide some meta and contact information. The contact information will be displayed in the privacy policy and on the final debriefing page if you do not direct the participants to a post-stimulus survey.

2. Participant Recruitment

Please specify the desired number of participants and account for attrition: Each participation uses one slot, regardless of whether the participant completes the survey. Potential participants who try to enter the experiment after all slots (rows in the database) are used, cannot do so.
3. Layout and Stimulus Embedding

Please use the following forms to specify the content you want to display in the social media feed and the way it is displayed.

Please provide a url directing to your raw, UTF-8 formatted csv file (preferably GitHub or Google Drive). Click here to download a sample *.csv file that you can use as a template.
Please select the character that separates the data fields in your CSV file.
Consider using a hashtag as a prefix.
4. Participant Briefing

Please use HTML to specify the briefing participants read prior to the feed exposure. The whole page is skipped if you leave this field empty.

This could be your briefing

Use the toolbar above to format your content.

5. Measurement

Plese use the following forms to define what you measure and how you measure it.

Configure this field, if you want to append a survey to the stimulus. We'll create a redirect with url parameters to pass both the participant ID as well as the completion code (for Prolific). Make sure that your survey tool accepts them (see embedded data documentation if you are using Qualtrics).Please provide a url directing to your survey. Please don't add any manual url parameters. If you leave this field empty, the study will close with an end of survey screen that provides your contact information provided above.
This setting determines the visibility threshold for tracking dwell time. It represents the percentage of a social media post that must be visible to the participant before it's considered "in view". A lower value (closer to 1%) will track social media posts as soon as they're barely visible, whereas a higher value (closer to 100%) will only track rows when they're almost fully visible.